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Privacy Policy

Date: 01.11.2023

Maxanit FZC, Al Shmookh Business Center, One UAQ, UAQ Free Trade Zone, Umm Al Quwain, U.A.E., represented by the managing directors Max Wolfgang Engelhardt and Tina Engelhardt (hereinafter referred to as "ShareHappyStuff"), operates the website and the mobile app ShareHappyStuff. ShareHappyStuff would like to inform you in the following privacy policy about the extent to which data is collected when using our website and mobile app and for what purpose this data is used.

Furthermore, ShareHappyStuff would like to explain the rights you have in this context.

In general, anyone can visit and use the website and mobile app without providing personal data. If you decide to book a rental property and register with ShareHappyStuff, you provide us with your data. In this case, the personal data you provide will be collected and processed by us. This is especially necessary to facilitate contact between landlords and tenants. However, individuals under 18 years of age are not allowed to register in the mobile app or initiate rental inquiries.

  1. Responsibility for the Processing of Your Personal Data The trust of our customers is a great commitment for us. We use all the data you entrust to us with the utmost care and confidentiality. ShareHappyStuff will comply with the applicable legal provisions, in particular the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG), with regard to personal data.

  2. What are Personal Data? Personal data are individual details about the personal or factual circumstances of a specific or identifiable natural person. This includes information such as your real name, address, email address, and telephone number (if provided). Pseudonymized data such as IP addresses or advertising cookies on your device, along with the data stored in them, are also considered personal data. Statistical information that cannot be directly or indirectly linked to you, such as the popularity of individual pages on our platform or the number of users of a page, is not considered personal data.

It is our obligation to handle your personal data very carefully.

  1. General Information on the Processing and Use of Personal Data by ShareHappyStuff When you visit our website or the mobile app, the web servers automatically and temporarily store the connection data of the requesting computer for the purpose of system security. This data includes the web pages or mobile apps you visit on our platform, the date and duration of your visit, the identification data of the browser and operating system type you are using, as well as the web page or app page from which you access us.

This data set includes, in particular:

  • The page from which the file was requested,

  • The name of the file,

  • The date and time of the request,

  • The amount of data transmitted,

  • The access status (file transmitted, file not found),

  • The description of the type of web browser used, browser language, operating system, and interface used,

  • The IP address and location data of the requesting computer.

The legal basis for processing this data is Art. 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our legitimate interest arises from the purposes listed below.

We use this information to:

  • Enable you to access and visit the website or the mobile app,

  • Continuously improve and tailor the websites and offerings to the needs of our users,

  • Perform internal quality control,

  • Identify, rectify, and prevent errors, disruptions, and potential misuse,

  • Create aggregated, anonymized, or pseudonymized statistics about access channels, the use of websites, and transitions to our partner websites.

  1. Collection, Processing, and Disclosure of Data Requested by You To offer services, we require various data from our customers. We store and use the information you provide us through the use of our platform.

Trust and transparency are important to us. Therefore, your information must be truthful. Use under a pseudonym is not possible.

We offer our users the option to use our services through a personal customer account. Before the first use, you must register once. For this, we need the following information from you:

  • Salutation,

  • First name, last name,

  • Email address,

  • Contact details (mobile phone number),

  • Handover address (address details, street, house number, postal code, city),

  • Password (please note the data security information in Section 13).

For the processing of bookings and inquiries, landlords and tenants must additionally provide the following information:

  • Payment information (bank details, credit card details).

The forms clearly indicate which data is required to carry out the respective booking. Without providing this data, the use of our platform is not possible. To ensure the secure transmission of data, it is sent via a secure SSL connection.

Furthermore, we collect and store your usage and transaction data, regardless of whether you are active on ShareHappyStuff as a landlord, tenant, or interested party (e.g., viewing offers, your rental request information, offers and content for renting). If you send us messages, we also store these messages.

We use this data to establish, design, modify, or terminate a contractual relationship with you, to fulfill our contractual obligations, and to contact you as requested or as required or permitted within the framework of the contractual relationship. You provide us with data on the basis of the contractual relationship with us. In particular, we use the data according to Art. 6(1)(b) of the GDPR for the following purposes:

  • Providing the customer account,

  • Processing rental inquiries and bookings,

  • To possibly contact you in connection with your rental request or your account,

  • To provide landlords with anonymous statistical information about the search behavior of rental applicants,

  • To send you information about changes to the terms and conditions or privacy notices if you have requested this (see below).

ShareHappyStuff will disclose your data to third parties to the extent necessary to fulfill the contract with you or to respond to pre-contractual inquiries (Art. 6(1)(b) of the GDPR). In particular, we will share your personal data with the contract partners you have chosen (landlords, tenants, rental applicants).

Furthermore, we use your data based on a balancing of interests in accordance with Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR to:

  • Personalize our websites and offerings for you (see below for personalized offers),

  • Recognize you as a user in case of a return visit and save you the trouble of entering your data again,

  • Conduct internal statistical market research/service surveys (see below),

  • Show you advertisements and interesting offers that may be of interest to you (or not display ads that are likely not of interest to you),

  • Inform you about changes to the terms and conditions or privacy notices on our platform, such as by sending a newsletter if you have subscribed to it (see below),

  • Prevent the unlawful or abusive use of ShareHappyStuff services and, if necessary, take action against it or resolve a dispute about services mediated by ShareHappyStuff. This also applies if the usage relationship has already ended. The prerequisite for the disclosure of data to third parties in this context is that ShareHappyStuff has reasonable and documented evidence of one of the aforementioned cases,

  • Filter messages (e.g., messages between landlords and tenants sent through our platform) and, in the case of specific suspicion of spam, fraudulent activities, or violations of the terms of use, delay or refuse the transmission of messages.

We store the information from rental applicant contact requests for a period of five years from the last account activity. The period begins at the end of the current calendar year. We store the information related to your account as long as you maintain your account with us. If you choose to delete your account, we will delete the associated account data within a maximum of five years. The period begins at the end of the current calendar year.

Additionally, we are legally obligated to provide information to certain public authorities upon request. These include law enforcement authorities, authorities pursuing administrative offenses subject to fines, and tax authorities. Disclosure of data is made in accordance with Art. 6(1)(c) of the GDPR.

  1. Use of Cookies We use so-called cookies in some areas of our website, such as recognizing visitor preferences and optimizing the website accordingly. This facilitates navigation and enhances the user-friendliness of a website. Cookies also help us identify particularly popular areas of our website. Cookies are small files stored on a visitor's hard drive. They allow us to retain information for a specific period and identify the visitor's computer. To improve user guidance and individual performance, we use permanent cookies in some areas. We also use session cookies, which are automatically deleted when you close your browser. You can configure your browser to inform you about the placement of cookies. This makes the use of cookies transparent for you. We use the following four categories of cookies on our website:

  • Strictly necessary cookies,

  • Performance cookies,

  • Targeting cookies,

  • Web beacons.

Strictly necessary cookies: These cookies are necessary for you to navigate the website and use its features, such as accessing password-protected areas. Without these cookies, we cannot provide certain services you have requested. We use strictly necessary cookies to uniquely identify registered users so that they can be recognized during their visit and upon subsequent visits to the website.

Performance cookies: These cookies collect information about how visitors use a website, such as which pages they visit most frequently and whether they receive error messages from websites. These cookies do not collect data that can identify visitors. All information collected through these cookies is anonymous and serves only to improve the functionality and service of the website. We use performance cookies to create statistics on how our website is used and to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.

Targeting cookies: These cookies are used to tailor online advertising even more precisely to you and your interests. They also serve to limit how often you see an advertisement, measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign, and understand the behavior of people after viewing an advertisement. Targeting cookies are typically placed on websites by advertising networks with the consent of the website operator. They recognize that a user has visited a website and pass this information on to other companies, such as advertising companies. Often, they are associated with a website's functionality provided by these companies. We use targeting cookies to link with social networks that can then reuse the information about your visit to tailor advertising on other websites specifically to you and to provide information to the advertising networks we use based on your browsing behavior so that you are presented with advertisements that are potentially of interest to you.

Web beacons: Our website uses Google AdSense, an online advertising service provided by Google Inc. Google AdSense uses so-called "cookies," text files that are stored on users' computers and allow an analysis of the use of the website. Google AdSense also uses so-called web beacons (invisible graphics). These web beacons allow for the evaluation of information, such as visitor traffic to the pages of this offer. The information generated by cookies and web beacons about the use of this website (including users' IP addresses) and the delivery of advertising formats is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. This information may be passed on by Google to contractual partners of Google. However, Google will not merge your IP address with other data you have stored. You can opt out of web analytics by Google Analytics. More details are provided in Section 8.1 below.

  1. Website Analysis / Usage-Based Online Advertising / Personalized Offers Our website collects and processes data about your usage behavior. This allows us to gain insights into the user-friendliness of our website. Additionally, we want to make our advertising as useful and interesting to you as possible. For this purpose, we present offers and product recommendations that match your personal interests (personalized offers). Personalized offers are based on the analysis of your activities on our website, your participation in our promotions, and your use of our electronic media. Specifically, we use the following data to create products and advertising tailored to you and your interests:

  • Data contained in your customer account (landlords),

  • Data you provide to us when processing inquiries, orders, and bookings,

  • Information generated automatically when visiting our electronic media (website), including the date and time of your visit (usage data), and derived information (e.g., which content you frequently view, see below in Section 8.2),

  • Receipt and read confirmations of emails.

We collect information about your activities on this website (e.g., browsing behavior, visited subpages of the internet offer). All usage data is stored using a pseudonym, so personal identification is generally excluded. The legal basis for the use of website analysis and usage-based online advertising is a balancing of interests according to Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR and § 15(3) of the Telemedia Act.

Personalized offers can be received by postal mail or, if you have provided separate consent, by email or push notification. You can revoke this consent at any time. A notification in written form to is sufficient.

  1. Contact Form To get in touch with us, you can use the contact form. To use the contact form, we require the following information:

Reason for contact,


First name,

Last name,

Email address,

Phone number (if provided),


Additional information such as company, address, phone, and fax numbers can be provided but are not mandatory. We use your data to respond to your inquiry and, if necessary, to send requested information material. The information you provide may be forwarded to the relevant department for your inquiry. Data processing is carried out in accordance with Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR. Data related to contact inquiries to our customer support or the use of feedback tools will be stored for a period of five years after the response and will be automatically deleted.

  1. Service Providers, Other Data Recipients, and Data Recipients Outside the EU In addition to the specifically mentioned data recipients, there may be others. We may engage external technical and commercial service providers, especially for:

Hosting, including a Content Delivery Network for caching and fast content delivery

Payment service providers

Management of service desk and support data


Spam and abuse prevention

These providers may process data in the USA. Data transfer is carried out in accordance with the principles of the so-called Privacy Shield ( and on the basis of so-called standard contract clauses of the EU Commission ( Otherwise, we do not share your data with recipients located outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.

  1. Data Security We implement technical and organizational security measures to comprehensively protect your data from unauthorized access. In addition to securing the operational environment, we use encryption in certain areas (online application, customer account, contact form). The information you provide is transmitted in encrypted form using the SSL protocol (Secure Socket Layer) to prevent misuse of the data by third parties. You can recognize this by the closed padlock symbol in your browser's status bar and the address starting with "https."

Furthermore, access to your data can only be done through ShareHappyStuff. However, for your protection against unauthorized access to your account, it is essential that you keep your password secret. It's best to choose a unique password, create mnemonics, and combine numbers and letters. Your password is known only to you!

  1. Information, Correction, Modification, and Deletion of Your Data; Right to Object ShareHappyStuff will provide information upon request about the data ShareHappyStuff stores about you and how it is used. If the data stored by ShareHappyStuff is incorrect, ShareHappyStuff will correct it. Under certain conditions, you have the right to block and delete the data stored by ShareHappyStuff about you. You can contact ShareHappyStuff at the address mentioned below or in another way in this regard. Additionally, you can view the data ShareHappyStuff has stored about you in your account on the internet and correct it if necessary. You also have the right to data portability according to Art. 20 GDPR. Furthermore, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority according to Art. 77 GDPR, in the case of ShareHappyStuff, with the Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information.

The general right to object according to Art. 21(1) GDPR applies to all processing described in this data protection information that is based on Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. Unlike the right to object to data processing for direct marketing according to Art. 21(2) GDPR, under the GDPR, we are only obligated to implement such a general objection if you provide us with reasons of overriding importance (e.g., a possible threat to life or health).

  1. Contact Information / Data Protection Questions For questions about data protection regarding or our mobile app, you can always contact:

Maxanit FZC

Al Shmookh Business Center


UAQ Free Trade Zone

Umm Al Quwain



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